cheap summer activities for kids

Affordable Summer Activities for Kids

  Summer is quickly approaching...EEK! How the heck are we supposed to keep our kids entertained for nearly three months without breaking the bank? Watch our latest ModMom...

Summer Movie Deals

Woohoo, summer is here'!  Check out this roundup of Summer Movie deals and programs for 2017.   Regal Cinemas  $1 Kids Movies The schedule for Regal Cinemas...
Summer Activities to Make your Kids Smarter!

FREE Summer Activities to Make your Kids Smarter!

When you're in the middle of those lazy dog days of summer and you've got kids at home, there's no laziness involved! They want...
fidget spinners

My Boys’ “Fidget Spinners” Business

My boys are anxiously awaiting their THIRD shipment of fidget spinner to arrive from China. What are fidget spinners, you ask?  Well, they're great for...

Ways to Celebrate a 1/2 Birthday + WIN a $100 Jason’s...

This weekend was my youngest son's "half birthday." Now, we've NEVER made a big deal about celebrating half birthdays in the past, but because...
indoor climbing wall for kids

Check out our Indoor Rock Climbing Wall and Reading Loft!

With three boys at home, you can imagine how rough and rowdy it can get around our house....especially during the winter months when they're...
sky ranch launch camp locations

WIN a Week at Sky Ranch Launch Camp!

If your son or daughter wants a summer camp experience but isn't quite ready to leave home for a week, Sky Ranch offers "Launch...

Kid-Friendly DIY Memorial Day Projects

Memorial Day weekend is a time of reflection for our fallen soldiers, reminding us to commemorate their heroic efforts, while spending time with our own...
technology kids self-esteem internet safety for children

Saving Their Innocence

This post has nothing to do with saving money, but rather saving the innocence of young children. To give you a little background, at...

Inexpensive DIY Halloween Mummy Jars!

I'm not super-crafty.  And not because I can't. I just don't want to drag out all the materials, take the time to instruct my...

“Hit the Spot” Boys Potty Training Target only $2.45 Shipped!

Are you in the midst of potty training a boy? Get this "Hit the Spot" Toilet Training Decal Target for only $2.45 w/ FREE shipping! Man,...

Shopkick: An Indoor Scavenger Hunt for your Kids

Do you have to take your kiddos with you to the store? If so, it can hard to knock out your grocery list with...

Be a Part of the Teal Pumpkin Project & Support Kids...

I first learned about the Teal Pumpkin Project last year when my friend posted this sweet picture on Facebook of her daughter who has...