Access Your School’s Supply List & Buy Online = Avoid the Crowds! #backtoschool

Target and Walmart have made it incredibly easy to take care of all your back-to-school supply needs without even leaving your house!  YES!!!
You can enter you zip code, find your kid’s school and order everything from the comfort of your on home. Choose in-store pick up of have it all shipped straight to your door.
To find your school’s list on, go HERE.
To find your school’s list on, go HERE.

There are also few a few deals available on Amazon:

Elmer’s School Glue (4 oz) — 50¢

Elmer’s School Glue (1 gallon) — $9.99

Elmer’s Glue Sticks (30 pk) — $8.26

Elmer’s All Purpose Glue Sticks (4 pk) — $1.99 (add-on item)

Pink Pearl Erasers (3 pk) — $1

Ticonderoga #2 Pencils (96 pk) — $13.37



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