A Little Blog Break!


I can’t believe my boys are already about to head back to school. We start on August 25th. Eek!!!  This summer has flown by and I feel like I’ve been on my computer most of it, digging up deals.  So, I’m going to take a little blog break this next week and try to squeeze in on a lot of quality time with my brood of hoodlums.

As I’ve mentioned before, I love this website and the opportunity it gives me to share my passion for saving money, but I never want to miss the MOST important things right in front of me – three incredible boys who are growing up way too fast!

Yes, it was only a few years ago when my boys were all sweet and cuddly and would happily pose for a picture…

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Now, this is what I get….

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So, next week you won’t receive a Daily Deals Newsletter. But I’ll still be posting things sporadically on Facebook and Twitter, so follow me so you won’t miss any exciting, awe-inspiring stuff like this…



Or this…

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or THIS…

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See you on the other side!

~ Coupon Crazy Mommy


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