Are you suffering with allergies this week? Stuffy nose? Itchy eyes? Extra grumpy???
For my family, September is the worst time to deal with allergies. Thank you, Mr. Ragweed! And this week, we saw some of the highest ragweed numbers for the entire year. And the word on the street is, the ragweed will be worse than usual this fall because we had a mild and wet summer.
If you live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, use these pollen count archives to track the pollen count and help determine what types of allergens to which you’re most susceptible.
Yeah, I used to think our family was unlucky enough to get “a summer cold” every September, until I discovered the archives and figured out that we all just have major ragweed allergies.
Whenever I see the ragweed counts start to go up, I try to stay indoors, drive with my windows rolled up, and change my clothes whenever I get home. Many people also avoid eating honeydew, cantaloupe, watermelon, banana, and chamomile because a cross-reaction to ragweed pollen may cause oral allergy syndrome, which is itching or swelling of the lips, tongue, throat or roof of the mouth. Read more about it HERE.