A Year’s Worth of Hobby Lobby Coupons! (Check your Yellow Pages)


If you’re like me and recently had a new book of yellow pages delivered. But before you toss it in the recycling bin (because who really keeps those massive things anymore???), check the back for local coupons.

I found a whole page of 40% off Hobby Lobby coupons that don’t expire until March 2015.  I plan to just stash them away in my car, in case I ever have a “craft emergency!”  Although, when I need that infamous 40% off Hobby Lobby coupon, I usually end up using the mobile app, Yowza.  It’s almost always there waiting for me like a loyal puppy.

Now, if you really want to have some fun, ask you neighbors to give you their unwanted yellow pages.  You could turn them into some amazing creations like these….

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