Merry Christmas, Happy New Year…and a BIG Surprise!


My boys are out of school for the next two weeks, which means I’m going to take a little blog break and spend some quality time with them instead of being tied to my computer. This has been the most chaotic time leading up to Christmas EVER! With performing in a musical, work and running, I’ve felt frantic, stressed and tired.

There will be no Christmas cards delivered this year adorned by our family standing in an open field at sunset with linked arms and wearing perfectly matched outfits. Nope, the best our friends and family got was a post on Facebook of this picture of a picture taken with Santa at Bass Pro Shops on a Wednesday night after a very long day of school and work.

And a few weeks ago, I realized I’d only purchased a handful of gifts for my boys. That’s mainly because they don’t NEED anything, nor do they PLAY with anything. They’re at those ages (14, 13, 9) where they don’t want toys. All they want is money. Boo. BORING. I began to fear the “magic” of Christmas was going to be lacking for 2017.

Well, we’ve got a BIG surprise in store for our boys and I can’t wait to share it with you. I’ll plan to post a video over on the ModMomTV Facebook page on Christmas Day. Make sure your notifications are set to “See First,” so you don’t miss it. It’s going to be fun!!!

As we wrap up 2017 and make plans to gather with those we love this Christmas and New Year, I wanted to take a moment and tell you, my readers, that I truly hope your holidays are filled with joy and laughter.

Celebrate this Christmas knowing that God loves you and has a plan for your life. And that hope arrived over 2000 years ago in the form of a baby…


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