Stephens & Associates is looking for females ages 18-65 to try and share options on a skin care product.
Qualified participants may be compensated up to $300!
They’re looking for women who meet either of the following criteria:
Caucasian (Hispanic and non-Hispanic), 18-65 years of age with mild to moderate red skin tones and skin imperfections (pimple scars), normal and dry or combination of normal/dry skin.
Caucasian (Hispanic and non-Hispanic), 30-65 years of age with moderate to severe enlarged pores and mild to moderate pigmentation and rough feeling skin, normal and oily or combination of normal/oily skin.
To learn more and apply, visit them online HERE or call Stephens at 1-833-530-7596 or email [email protected] and reference study number: C18-D047
Stephens & Associates is located at I-75 and Campbell in Richardson. Go HERE to register for upcoming studies.